It seems as though I only write on this thing when I’m frustrated.
This time my frustration lies in money issues...
I have a lot of work to do, I had to reconfigure my little silk screening project when I hit a small snag listening to bad advice about how to prepare a screen. So now I have to purchase new/better emulsion, better inks and screen. I fear that I’ll be out of money soon, which depresses me a little. I really don’t like worrying about money issues, but it seems to come along with the territory of being a free wheeling artist (which I wouldn’t trade for anything).
Other than that, I really need to move my ass on other fine art projects that are becoming more important (specifically for my own mental health) than the projects that will actually make me some money (hopefully).
I’m working on my first and last self portrait, one life sized torso sculpture, and I have two large installations planned for near future production. The installations especially will be costly, seeing as I will need a bulk supply of plaster and alginate for body casting. Then I need to decide what I’m going to fill the casts with, I need something cheap enough but I also need something that will pick up relatively fine detail.
All I know is I’m only truly happy when working on my art... And I feel like I’ve been a little careless about the time I’ve been spending on it. I don’t like when I feel scattered and lost, drifting in my own mind aimlessly. I work on art because it’s a successful outlet for my thoughts and emotions, without the act of producing I become depressed... I guess I’m a cliché artist, sometimes clichés exist because there is truth behind them.
In other news my birthday passed recently and I’m about to receive a very exciting gift from my sweet and loving ‘main squeeze’, Matt. He’s purchased me a singing saw. It creates a beautiful ethereal sound, and is supposed to be learned intuitively (which is a plus for me). I’m excited to learn a new instrument... Music has always been a very important creative/meditative outlet for me as well. I used to be pretty decent at playing the guitar, but I haven’t really picked one up for quite some time. Matt is a musician, so I guess I’m a little self conscious playing the guitar around him (which is a bit silly). I relish the idea of learning an obscure instrument that I’ve been fascinated by for years now. I think I need a breath of fresh air, and this new outlet will be truly welcome.
I guess that’s all for now... I realized that I haven’t posted any of my fine art on here, so I’ll leave you (whoever you are) with some pictures of some older pieces of mine.
Woo-hooh, great post! I love your "old" art, which is timeless as things go... Move forward with your lovely projects and things will come to you to help complete them. If you put out to other artist about what you need, they might have some extra materials.
Singing saw? You did mention it, but I didn't know Matt got if for you. Are you going to be our next live entertainment??? ;)
i'm sure i will be playing with him at some point. it will be interesting to learn.
Love your artwork. I hope your financial situation will get better soon. I know the feeling of not wanting to give up art even if it doesn't make you as much money as you wish. I wouldn't want to go back to my 9-5 job ether.
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